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1. QR, Graphs, review - fractions, %, Rounding (17) Launch Playlist
What is QR? -123
Reading Graphs - 123
Fractions, Percentages, Rounding - 123
TI 30X IIS and Fractions
What is QR - 080
What is QR - Skills Practice - 080
Place Value, Names of # - 080
Rounding Numbers - 080
Rounding with Order of Oper - 080
Fraction Work - 080
*Rounding and Significant Figures
More Rounding - Whole Numbers - Generic
More Rounding Decimals - Generic
Math is Fun - Decimals, Fractions, Percents
Reducing Fractions
Converting Fractions to Decimal Numbers
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
2. Ratios and Age Dependency Ratios (14) Launch Playlist
Construction of Ratios- 123
Interpreting Ratios - 123
Part to Part vs Part to Whole - 123
Age Dependency Ratios - 123
Practice with Ratios - 123
Ratios in Graphs - 123
Practice Ratios - 123
Ratios - 080
Age Dep Ratios - 080
Ratios - Skills Practice - 080
Math is Power 4U Ratios
Math is Fun Ratios
What is the old-age dependency ratio?
Introduction to Ratios - Khan
3 Pt 1: Scientific Notation and Powers of Ten (20) Launch Playlist
Understanding Powers of Ten- 123
Using Scientific Notation - 123
Applications of Scientific Notations
Practice Scientific Notation - 123
Use TI 30X IIS for SN
Intro to Sci Not - 080
Mult/Div with Sci Not - 080
Sci Not - Skills Practice - 080
300 Billion Things
The Mega Penny Project (Large Numbers)
Powers of ten 1977 classic
Scientific Notation - Math is Power 4U
Place Value and Names for Whole Numbers
Multiplying by Powers of 10
Dividing by Powers of 10
Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation Examples 1
Scientific Notation Examples 2
Scientific Notation
3 pt 2: Per Capita and More Scientific Notation (11) Launch Playlist
Per Capita - 123
More Sci Notation: Negative Exponents - 123
Practice: Sci Not and Per Capita - 123
Per Capita and Scaling - 123
Per Capita as a Rate - 123
Population Density
Per Capita - 080
Sci Not (Neg Exp) - 080
Per Capita as Rate - 080
Per Capita - Skills Prac - 080
Sci Not (Neg Exp) - Skills Prac - 080
3 pt 3. Proportions (12) Launch Playlist
Using Proportions - 123
Proportions - 123
Practice: Proportions - 123
Practice: Sci Not, Prop, Per Capita
Proportions and Equivalent Fractions - 080
Using Proportions - 080
Proportions - Skills Practice - 080
Ratio and Proportion - Khan Academy
Math is Power 4U - Proportions Applications
Understanding Proportions
Math is Fun Proportions
Math is Power 4U - Proportions
4. Applications of Per Capita and Proportions (14) Launch Playlist
Proportions: What If -123
GDP - 123
Federal Budget -123
Federal Budget (with Graphs)
CPI: Proportions -123
Practice: Fed Debt and CPI -123
Practice: Proportions - 123
App of Per Capita/Props - 080
Using CPI - 080
Skills Practice Part 1 - 080
Skills Practice Part 2 - 080
Investopedia - what is CPI
Depaul CPI examples
Budget Definitions
5. Working with Percentages (20) Launch Playlist
Percent: Proportions - 123
Percent: Equations - 123
Percent: Over 100% - 123
Applications of Percents - 123
Practice: Percents - 123
Graphs w/ % - 123
Global Wealth and % - 123
Excel PIe Graphs - 123
Practice: Percentages - 123
Working with Percents - 080
Solving Percents with Props - 080
Solving Percents with Eqns - 080
Skills Practice Part 1 - 080
Skills Practice Part 2 - 080
Math is Power 4U - Percent Proportions
Math is Power 4U - Percent Equations
Solving Percent Problems
Solving Percent Problems 1
Solving Percent Problems 2
Solving Percent Problems 3
6 pt 1. Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Percentiles) (19) Launch Playlist
Descriptive Stats: Life Expectancy - 123
Calculating Descriptive Statistics - 123
Symmetry vs Skewed Data - 123
Percentiles - 123
Percentiles using Sub-Saharan Africa - 123
Sub Saharan Africa - 123
123 Excel for Descriptive Statistics
Explore: Life Exp vs GDP - 123
Practice Descriptive Statistics - 123
Mean, Median, Mode - 080
Skewed Data - 080
Percentiles and Desc Stats - 080
Desc Stats - Skills Prac - 080
Desc Stats - Skills Prac - 080
Purple Math - Mean, Median, Mode
Khan Academy - mean, median, mode
Math is Power 4U- Mean, Median, Mode
Life Expectancy history
Measures of Center
6 pt 2. Weighted Average (12) Launch Playlist
Intro to Weighted Averages - 123
Weighted Average: Counts - 123
Weighted Average: Percents - 123
More Weighted Averages - 123
Judging with Weighted Averages - 123
Practice: Weighted Averages - 123
Excel and weighted average
Weight Ave: Counts - 080
Weight Ave: Percents - 080
Weight Ave: Skills Practice - 080
YouTube Weighted Average
Math is Fun - weighted average
Excel Videos and Help (9) Launch Playlist
Excel for Beginners
Excel Intro Budget Spreadsheet
Excel - Inserting Charts
Excel for Descriptive Statistics
Excel - Weighted Averages
Using Excel Autofill to convert a list of Measurements
Excel - Credit Cards (drag function)
Simple versus Compound Interest Graph
Excel and Linear Models
7: Absolute and Relative Change (30) Launch Playlist
Intro Absolute and Relative Change
Home Sale Prices (Abs and Rel)
Fair Market Rental (Abs and Rel)
Changes in Percentage Points - 123
Inflation and CPI - 123
Prepare Relative Change - 123
Percent Change (story problems) - 123
Making Comparisons with Percentages - 123
Comparisons with Percentages - 123
Check Your Reasoning - 123
Changes in Percentage Points
Practice: Absolute and Relative Change of Percentages
Practice: Applying Percent Change
Absolute and Relative Change - 080
Abs/Rel Change - Skills Prac - 080
Video - Absolute and Relative Change Example
Math is Power 4U Video - Percent Change
Math is Power 4U _ Percent Change Examples
Math is Power 4U - Percent Change Example
Math is Fun website - Percent Change
Math is Fun website - Changes in Percentage Points
Percent Change - Skills Prac - 080
Growing by a percentage
Another Percent Word Problem
More percent problems
Math is Power 4U _ Application Percent off
Math is Power 4U - Application percent off
Website Examples of Applications Percent Change
Math is Power 4U _ Percent change on Percentage
Math is Power 4U - Percent Change Example
8: Linear Models (31) Launch Playlist
Intro to Scatterplots - 123
Intro to Linear Correlation - 123
Intro to Trendlines - 123
Life Expectancy and GDP (correlation) - 123
Intro to Slope - 123
Intro to Y-intercept - 123
Weight Loss (Linear Models) - 123
Breaking Even (Linear Models) - 123
Constructing Linear Models from Data Points - 123
Alternative Starting Years (Linear Models) - 123
Percent of Smokers in the US (Linear Models) - 123
Breast Cancer Mortality (Linear Models) - 123
Global Temperature (Linear Models) - 123
Firearm Death Rates (Linear Models) - 123
Excel: Linear Models - 123
Practice: Linear Models - 123
Practice: Trendline and Linear Models - 123
Linear Modeling - 080
Lin Mod - Skills Prac - 080
Math is Fun website - Equations of a straight line
Math is Power 4U - Linear Models Video
Math is Power 4U video - Equation with decreasing slope
Math is power 4U video - find equation given 2 values
Math is Power 4U video - Celsius and Fahrenheit Linear relation
Scatterplots and Lin Models - 080
Scatter and Lin Mod - Skills - 080
Math is Fun website - Scatterplots
Generic YouTube Video - Adding Scatterplot and trendline in Excel
Khan Academy - multiple videos scatterplots and lines
Khan Academy Dashboard - Scatterplots and lines
Math is Power 4U Video - Using a Trendline Equation and finding correlation value r
9 pt 1 Exponential Models (12) Launch Playlist
Exponential Growth - 123
Calculating Exponential Growth - 123
Exponential Decay - 123
Exponential Decay Model: Comparing Antibiotics - 123
Using Exponential Models - 123
Modeling from Real World Data -123
Comparing Linear and Exponential Models - 123
Excel: Exponential Models - 123
Exponential Growth - 080
Exponential Modeling - Skills - 080
Practice: Exponential Growth - 123
Practice: Exponential Models- 123
9 pt 2: Interest (13) Launch Playlist
Interest (Simple) - 123
Interest (Compound Annually) - 123
Interest (Compound Periodically) - 123
Ben Franklin (Exponential Models) - 123
The Rule of 70 (Doubling) - 123
Futurama (Exponential Models) - 123
Practice: Interest - 123
Math is Power 4U Simple Interest video
Interest - 080
Interest - Skills Prac - 080
Introduction to interest
Interest (part 2)
Video for Rule of 70
10: Credit Cards (13) Launch Playlist
123 book notes - sectio n19 (why good credit)
Credit Cards - 080
Credit Cards - Skills Prac - 080
Video on using Excel for Credit Cards
Video with daily and monthly apr examples
Intro to Credit - 123
Credit Cards and Finance Charges - 123
Credit Cards and Fees - 123
Credit Cards: Making Minimum Payments - 123
Credit Cards: Accumulating Charges - 123
Credit Cards: Accumulating Charges (Excel) - 123
Average Daily Balances - 123
Practice: Credit Cards - 123
11: Loans (14) Launch Playlist
Intro to Mortgages - 123
What is a Mortgage - Video
Mortgage payments and interest -123
understanding interest on loans - 123
Using Excel to Determine Present Value
Car Loans - 123
Comparing Loans - 123
How much mortgage can you afford? - 123
Mortgages - 123
Mortgages of Other countries - 123
Practice: Loans - 123
Loans - 080
Excel's PMT function video
Excel Video - PV (Present Value)
12: 401k and Savings (7) Launch Playlist
What is a 401(k) video
123 book notes - section 22 (401(k))
Calculate 401(k) Earnings - 123
More Saving Accounts - 123
Practice: Retirement Savings - 123
Retirement and Savings - 080
Excel FV video
13: Measurement Conversions (35) Launch Playlist
Measurement Conversions - 123
Converting with US Customary - 123
Converting with Metrics - 123
Converting between US and Metric - 123
Practice: Conversions - 123
Currency Conversions - 123
book notes pages 337-339 intro to conversions
080 book notes pages 340-341 more in depth conversions
Conver: US to Metric - 080
The Metric System
Converting within the Metric System
Length 1
Length 2
Length 3
Weight 1
Weight 3
Capacity 1
Capacity 2
Capacity 3
The Metric System 1
The Metric System 2
Math is Fun - Measurement
Temperature Conversions - 123
Temperature Scales
Dimensional Analysis: Area and Volume - 123
Liquid Volumes - 123
Rates - 123
Math is Power 4U - Metric moving decimals
Rates and Money - 123
Practice: Temperatures and Dimensional Analysis - 123
080 book notes pages 343-344 Temperature Conversions
080 book notes pages 346-349 Applications of Conversions
14. Applications of rates and Conversions (15) Launch Playlist
Square and Cube measurement conversion
Metric square and cubes
Conv: Special Rates - 080
Conv: Rates - 080
Dosage Calculation 123
Conv: Med Dosage - 080
Rates and conversions
Carbon Dioxide: Gasoline - 123
Carbon Dioxide: Electricity - 123
Carbon Dioxide: Energy Vampires - 123
Practice: Carbon Dioxide Emissions - 123
080 books notes page 351 CO2
CO2: Electricity - 080
Additional CO2 Example Problems for 080 or 123
12. I Wanna Go Green… So Show Me The Math!
15 Normal Distribution (13) Launch Playlist
Histograms - 123
Birth Weights (Normal Distribution) - 123
Distribution, Mean, and Stnd Deviation - 123
Empirical Rule (Definition) - 123
Application of Empirical Rule - 123
Use TI 30X IIS to find Mean, St dev
book notes 357-360: Empirical rule and z-scores
Normal Dist Part 2 - 080
Math is Fun - Normal Distribution
Math is Power 4U - Normal Distribution Normal Distribution Problems: Empirical Rule
Practice: Normal Distribution - 123
Practice: Empirical Rule - 123
15 pt 2 Z-scores (13) Launch Playlist
Z-scores - 123
Using z-scores to find probabilty - 123
Z-scores and Percentiles - 123
Calculating Quartiles
Critical Thinking with Z-scores - 123
Comparisons using z-scores - 123
Practice: Z-scores - 123
Practice: Percentiles - 123
book notes pg 360: z-scores
Math is Power 4U - Z-scores Normal Distribution Problems: z-score
Math is Fun - Z-score interactive diagram
Percentiles from Z-scores Video
16 pt 1: Probability (20) Launch Playlist
Intro to Probability - 123
Frequency Tables - 123
Probability with Data - 123
Probability: Not, And, Or - 123
Conditional Probability - 123
Empirical Probability Exercise - 123
Empirical Probabilities
Probability from a larger table - 123
Practice Frequency
Practice: Probability - 123
Practice Large Probability Table (divorce) - 123
book notes pgs 363-365: Probability
Prob Ex 2 - 080
Prob Ex 3 - 080
Probability (part 1)
Math is Fun - Intro Probability page
Math is Power 4U - Video Probability Table
Math is Power 4U - Video Probability Table AND
Math is Power 4U - Video Probability Table OR
Math is Power 4U - Video Probability Table CONDITIONAL
16 pt 2: False Positives and False Negatives (13) Launch Playlist
Intro False Positives/False Negatives - 123
Drug Testing: False Positives/False Negatives - 123
HIV: False Positives/False Negatives - 123
Fragile X Syndrome: FP/FN -123
Spam Email: False Positives/False Negatives - 123
Practice: False Positives/False Negatives - 123
book notes pg 369-370 False Positive
FP/FN Computer - 080
FP/FN Peanut Allergy - 080
FP/FN Drug Use - 080
FP/FN Shellfish Allergy - 080
False Positive Youtube quick video
Math is Fun - Webpage False +/-
17: Polls and Margin of error (5) Launch Playlist
Polls - 123
Introduction to Margin of Error - 123
Election Survey 2012 (Margin of Error)
Polls and Margin of Error - 123
Practice: Polls and Margin of Error - 123
NROC Collection
Developmental Math - Arithmetic
Art of Problem Solving Collection
Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra
Phoenix College Collection
Why U Collection
Pre-Algebra Foundational Concepts
STEMbite Collection
Math in the Real World
NMSU Learning Games Lab Collection
Math Snacks
Worked Examples
NROC Collection
Developmental Math - Arithmetic
Khan Academy Collection
Phoenix College Collection
NROC Collection
Developmental Math - Arithmetic
PhET Collection
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Teaching Arithmetic Blog

Math Snacks Games

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Teaching Resources for the Math Snacks Games

With this summer's HippoCampus update, we added five math games from New Mexico State University's Learning Games Lab. From the "Math Snacks" series, they are designed for 5th-8th grade students, although high school students and developmental math students also enjoy playing. 

Many teachers and students find the Math Snacks games intuitive to use, but some may not. Here are links for detailed  instructions on how to play each game, as well as links to additional teaching resources:

Ratio Rumble: Instructions for Play
In Ratio Rumble, students mix beakers of potions in correct ratios to toss at their opponent and take him out of the battle. Ratio Rumble teaches students to identify ratios when used in a variety of contextual situations; provide visual representations of ratios; solve common problems and communicate using rate, particularly unit rates, and understand how ratios and rates relate to fractions and decimals.I

Gate: Instructions for Play
In Gate, students zap monsters and save the world from darkness by using place value to build numbers from .01 to 999.

Game Over Gopher: Instructions for Play
Game Over Gopher is a fun, fast-paced game that guides students in reading coordinate pairs and plotting numbers, differentiating negative coordinates from positive coordinates, and identifying the four quadrants. 

Pearl Diver: Instructions for Play
In Pearl Diver, you dive for pearls along a number line that includes fractions and decimals.

Monster School Bus: Instructions for Play
In Monster School Bus, your students become the bus driver tasked with gathering alien kids in groups of tens to fill the bus and head to school. Extra points for crashing into the flasks of green potion before they disappear!

Open Textbook to Accompany Developmental Math (English version):
Libro de Texto Abierto to Accompany Developmental Math (Spanish version):
Adult Ed Hippo Playlists (for TABE and GED) developed by the State of Kentucky:
Order of Operations Tutorial:
MathArchives from Univ. of Tennessee--Topics in Arithmetic for Grades 9-12:

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