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Teaching Arithmetic Blog

Math Snacks Games

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Teaching Resources for the Math Snacks Games

With this summer's HippoCampus update, we added five math games from New Mexico State University's Learning Games Lab. From the "Math Snacks" series, they are designed for 5th-8th grade students, although high school students and developmental math students also enjoy playing. 

Many teachers and students find the Math Snacks games intuitive to use, but some may not. Here are links for detailed  instructions on how to play each game, as well as links to additional teaching resources:

Ratio Rumble: Instructions for Play
In Ratio Rumble, students mix beakers of potions in correct ratios to toss at their opponent and take him out of the battle. Ratio Rumble teaches students to identify ratios when used in a variety of contextual situations; provide visual representations of ratios; solve common problems and communicate using rate, particularly unit rates, and understand how ratios and rates relate to fractions and decimals.I

Gate: Instructions for Play
In Gate, students zap monsters and save the world from darkness by using place value to build numbers from .01 to 999.

Game Over Gopher: Instructions for Play
Game Over Gopher is a fun, fast-paced game that guides students in reading coordinate pairs and plotting numbers, differentiating negative coordinates from positive coordinates, and identifying the four quadrants. 

Pearl Diver: Instructions for Play
In Pearl Diver, you dive for pearls along a number line that includes fractions and decimals.

Monster School Bus: Instructions for Play
In Monster School Bus, your students become the bus driver tasked with gathering alien kids in groups of tens to fill the bus and head to school. Extra points for crashing into the flasks of green potion before they disappear!

Open Textbook to Accompany Developmental Math (English version):
Libro de Texto Abierto to Accompany Developmental Math (Spanish version):
Adult Ed Hippo Playlists (for TABE and GED) developed by the State of Kentucky:
Order of Operations Tutorial:
MathArchives from Univ. of Tennessee--Topics in Arithmetic for Grades 9-12:

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